Friday, October 3, 2014

My Secret Place

Well, one of them. There are places up in the Sangre De Cristo mountains where I like to hike and just sit. This is one spot that I love to just take it all in and listen to the water. Heading up again this weekend to catch some of the Fall colors. Have a happy Friday everyone.


Rick Forrestal said...

You've found a very beautiful spot.
Definitely worth a "secret spot" designation.
Don't share it . . . keep it for yourself.
Personal meditation is so important, me thinks.
(Beautiful photo.)

Halcyon said...

Beautiful spot! I can see why you like it. :)

VP said...

You have an excellent taste for secret places! Have a good Friday yourself!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Nice but it isn't a secret anymore, we all know now! lol

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

My mum loves running waters and could sit in such places all day long :)

Luis Gomez said...

Really beautiful!

TexWisGirl said...

enjoy that escape, randy.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! A beautiful spot and I am glad you have several. I too have my secret places in my Annadel St. Park.

Sharon said...

What a beautiful spot. I can see why you would sit a spell.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Must be wonderful to sit here Randy, hope you make it up there for some peace this weekend.

William Kendall said...

This reminds me of a small waterfall I know of right along the highway, but positioned in such a way that if you don't know it's there, you'll probably never see it.

Judy said...

A beautiful, spot! I have wandered that area before but didn't find this place.

Thérèse said...

Enjoy your next hike. Could you record the sound?

RedPat said...

Good for you - you deserve to go to your secret place, Randy! Enjoy.

Tanya Breese said...

very pretty place! have a great weekend!

Paul said...

It's beautiful, I can see why this would be a favorite place!

Kate said...

This is a very beautiful "movement" photo, Randy. While you are communing, please give a heartfelt "Hello" to Todd for me.

Unknown said...

Wonderful spot!