Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Theme Day: Details

Theme Day has come again to City Daily Photo and this months theme is "Details." They can be found in everything you see. I was lucky enough to capture the details in this young mans ring and cuff bracelet while he was shopping the Native American vendors near the plaza. That is one thing I do love about Native American jewelry, the details. To see more wonderful photographs from around the globe click here.


Olivier said...

bien vu le detail dans la foule de ces deux mains et ce bracelet

Thérèse said...

Great catch! Nicer to see jewelry on someone than for sale on a table.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

You have a keen eye and daring lens!

Duncan In Kuantan

Cezar and Léia said...

Creative detail image, it's perfect for the theme!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Good composition, the stitching in the pocket caught my eye, kind of directs eye movement back into the hands.

Suzanne said...

Very nice detail in the jewelry. I love it too.

Luis Gomez said...

Really nice shot!

Tanya Breese said...

cool photo randy!

Sharon said...

This is perfect for this theme. I have quite a lot of Native American jewelry and I love looking at it for exactly the same reason.

Kate said...

And among the Native American jewelry, I love the Navajo the best. I wouldn't mind having that ring and bracelet myself.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, i like it.

Anonymous said...

Good point. Native American jewelry is very detailed.

Lowell said...

Nicely done! I've always loved that jewelry, too.

Laura. M said...

Good detail Randy. I like the silver, I have several bracelets :))

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I really love that bracelet.

Daryl said...

good choice

Judy said...

Perfect for today's theme.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Just been catching up Randy, its amazing how many wonderful images you miss when you're away for a short time. Well spotted and captured details here for this months theme.

parker said...

Always interesting to see others choice in jewelry.

VP said...

He is wearing a lot of things, my hands would be bare in confront!

RedPat said...

Lovely, Randy! I could easily accept either the ring or the bracelet and wear them all the time.

Traveling Hawk said...

I like the bracelet.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Nice details.

Jack said...

Wonderful choice!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Well seen !

Unknown said...

I love hand shots. This one is fantastic! Well done, Randy.

Peter van den Besselaar said...


Leovi said...

Very cute detail, nice photo!