Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Canyon Road Paint Out X

This is the last of the artist shots from the Paint Out. The artist in yellow stood out as much as some of the painters.

My Lightroom presentation went really well thank you to those who asked. I was impressed by all of the photograph slideshows that my classmates presented. If you have Adobe Lightroom classes available in your city I would say go for it. It's easy and a fun program to learn.


cieldequimper said...

I'm glad it went well.

The last one already? Oh non, I was enjoying zis very much! There's a rather colourful painting in the foreground here...

Massimo said...

Hallo Randy,
I am looking for the Lightroom, it should be a nice software... not too difficult I believe...

nice series of artist, have a good day, ciao

Joe said...

Lots of vibrant colour and activity in this shot. I do like Lightroom. A very flexible editor.

Lowell said...

Glad to hear about your Lightroom success. I used Lightroom extensively for a photo website a few years ago. Loved it.

Thanks for this series. You must have had a lot of artists involved!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I haven't heard of any of those classes around here, we lag behind by a decade or so.

Kate said...

I have too much impatience to enroll in that kind of class. I received a gift of Photoshop Elements 11 in September and I still haven't taken it out of the box because I dread the learning process. I should have a private tutor like you!!

Tanya Breese said...

good for you!

Unknown said...

What a great series! Well done, Randy.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Glad to hear the presentation went well Randy. Have a great Wednesday.

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful scene!

Olivier said...

j'aime bien ce peintre avec sa petite toile ;)

TexWisGirl said...

glad it went well! i like the guy painting the tiny art. :)

Sharon said...

Congrats on the presentation. I'm thinking of taking a Photoshop class sometime soon. It's so much easier for me to learn with someone to guide me.

Judy said...

This was an enjoyable series.

Anonymous said...

Interesting in the different sizes of canvas both artists are using. What is next for Randy now?

Paul said...

Good to hear your presentation went well! Time to look into Lightroom I'm thinking.

Canyon Road Paint Out was a nice series!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

This series has really put me in the mood to get out my Paints Randy :)
I'm happy your presentation was a success, well done!

turquoisemoon said...

Ooh Randy, Thank you so much for sharing this series. I have loved it!

VP said...

Thanks for this beautiful series! I have no idea what Lightroom is, but I will check it now...

RedPat said...

The sun gave you such wonderful light for this series, Randy!

Sharon said...

Randy, yes that is the house near Phoenix College. They have decorated this way since they moved in 3 years ago and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Peter said...

Have enjoyed this series - must give lightroom a try.

Cezar and Léia said...

Love to see all the process of art!
Great shot!

Ercotravels said...

Beautiful paintings!

Nancy said...

We're never too old to learn something new! :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Great! I'm so glad your presentation went well!