Monday, July 8, 2013

Old Chapel

The Santa Fe Wine Festival was held on the grounds of El Rancho De Las Golondrinas. El Rancho is a Living History Museum in the southern end of our city. Click on the link for more information. This chapel is still amazing being that it was built in the 1700's.


Olivier said...

belle chapelle et original son clocher

Peter said...

That is old, love the bell cote.

Cezar and Léia said...

An historic building!Your picture is great.Thanks for the link.

turquoisemoon said...

what???? I've missed this one??? huh!

Nancy said...

Amazing that it still stands.

Lowell said...

And a happy Monday to you. That chapel is older than I am. Amazing that it is still standing. Can you take photos inside the museum?

Tanya Breese said...


Kate said...

I didn't make it to the Wine Festival yesterday. . . too hot; I had a hat but no umbrella. Decided to wait and see the place later when it cools down a bit. Friends told me that it is a fascinating place, full of history, and I should go and take my time while there to see the buildings and area. If your fine photo is any indication, I think I will like it!

TexWisGirl said...

what a fabulous pic!

Sharon said...

That is a long time ago for any place in the US but especially long for the western half of the US.

Anonymous said...

Neat old building.

Judy said...


Lowell said...

I see you've become even more famous in Santa Fe because of another Randy in Santa Fe. The place must be crawling with guys named Randy. :)

VP said...

Lovely place with a curious name. Golondrinas is the Spanish for swallows, but it is quite different from our rondini...

RedPat said...

Wow - that looks fabulous, Randy!

EG CameraGirl said...

The Southwest has such a rich history!

cieldequimper said...

Oh it's beautiful!

Some of my comments aren't showing up plus I sent you an email. Did you receive it?

Halcyon said...

Lovely chapel. I really like that adobe style.

Birdman said...

I like this one.

Jack said...

Kate has a photo of Randy today. I thought you were older!

parker said...

Just a great pic! I have to stop and visit every old Chapel when I see one. Usually light a candle and leave a token.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh I'll say Randy, it's holding up pretty well indeed!

Traveling Hawk said...

I know that chapel!