Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Capturing the Blogger.

Yesterday after work I walked down to the plaza to listen to a Jazz musician who was performing on the bandstand and guess who I caught taking photos. Yes, that's Kate snapping some photos of people dancing on the plaza. Who know's where I will see her next. Make sure to check out her blog.


Tamera said...

Now someone needs to capture YOU!

Peter said...

Serious camera

turquoisemoon said...

hahaha...Kate's everywhere!

Nancy said...

I will definitely go visit her blog!

Unknown said...

Hi, Kate! Nice to see you on Randy's last two posts. :-)

Halcyon said...

She's got a nice camera! :)

TexWisGirl said...

LOVE this! :) i bet she has a few of you, too. ;)

Lowell said...

Now that's a real "gotcha" photo! Great work, Randy!

Tanya Breese said...

oh i love that you saw kate! did you just happen to run into here there or had the 2 of you planned it? great photo of her!

Sharon said...

She's got some serious camera equipment going on there.

Kate said...

Randy! You make me smile! Watch out now; I owe you one! Wasn't that fun last night.? Friendly crowd and great dancers. Makes me glad to be alive.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tamera.

Judy said...

Ah ha! Caught in the act! What fun to meet up with blogging friends.

Luis Gomez said...

Ha! Very nice Randy.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Brilliant Randy.. and yes I have already seen the pic of yourself and Kate, tres joli :)
p.s. Kate if you see this..looove your red nail polish, tres chic!

VP said...

Nice portrait, but I am quite ashamed of my simple camera...

Lúcia said...

It's so cool to meet other bloggers, I met up with Alan last Sunday, it was so fun!
Very nice Randy! ;-)

RedPat said...

It's a small world! ;-)

EG CameraGirl said...

How cool to capture Kate taking photos!

Ron said...

Blogging the blogger. Good job!

Birdman said...


parker said...

Great action shot of Kate at work!

Judy said...

What a neat shot of her. I'm heading over to see her blog.

Jack said...

You caught her! I think both of you will be going to the same place often in the next couple of weeks.

Laura. M said...

A good photographer :))