Wednesday, July 17, 2013

And They Cheered!

You could hear their excitement even before they appeared in front of me. From a distance you could hear the clapping and faint cheer of MEXICO! As they approached you could hear the crowd chime in echoing their excitement.


Olivier said...

ça devait être sympa , avec toute cette excitation et joie. ;)

Laura. M said...

I'm enjoying this series, is very cheerful.
A hug.

Lowell said...

You must have a lot of people with Mexican ancestry in Santa Fe... I love the international part of this festival. It's hopeful to see people come together and work together and enjoy one another!

Birdman said...

Can't wait to see the food, the crafts, the...

Tanya Breese said...

such colorful clothing!

TexWisGirl said...

that's neat. :)

RedPat said...

What a great ceremony!

Kate said...

I like the white and blue dress.

Sharon said...

Your state's namesake! That's worth a cheer.

Anonymous said...

No Mexican flag? I think Mexico has one of the best flags there are.

Judy said...

I am enjoying all the beautiful costumes and smiling faces.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Must have been such fun Randy, it's fascinating and entertaining to learn about other countries and cultures oui.

cieldequimper said...

She looks pretty and shy, or maybe she's overwhelmed?

I really don't know why you wouldn't wear a wig. Especially in the heat you are having...

VP said...

A really nice series, I hope more shots are coming...

parker said...


Jack said...

There must be many people in Santa Fe with roots in Mexico.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't miss this if I had the chance.

Traveling Hawk said...

It's normal, you are so close there!