Sunday, July 21, 2013

Hiding from the Sun

When people were not shopping under the tents at the Folk Art Market they could be found milling around. Fortunately the market provided umbrellas to those who chose to protect themselves from the sun. The clouds weren't too threatening but that changed hours after I took this shot.


Lowell said...

Those are bright red umbrellas which certainly helps fill photos with color. We get thunderstorms almost every afternoon here during the summer. Fortunately, I play golf in the morning! :)

TexWisGirl said...

perfect red, white and blue shot!

Birdman said...

Milling about is a fine pasttime even in the sun.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Cool under the RED !

Unknown said...

Nice splash of red!

Kate said...

Providing free water and umbrellas is a reflection of the superb organization of the huge event.

Anonymous said...

The red umbrella brigade.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love the splash of colour Randy, hope you enjoyed the rain later :)

Nancy said...

A great idea -- I imagine it was rather steamy that day.

VP said...

I would like an umbrella like those and your clouds are always spectacular!

Judy said...

Yes, those clouds look like the kind that can build up pretty quickly. We have been having rain most every afternoon and it cools off into the high 60's. I'm liking it.

Sharon said...

I love the red umbrellas.

Luis Gomez said...

Who wouldn't! It is really hot and sunny!

RedPat said...

Great shot, Randy. I've never heard of anyone passing out brollies like that - a super idea.!

Michelle said...

A great patriotic color shot!

Jack said...

This is odd, Randy. In a place like Santa Fe, people aren't expected to take care of themselves in terms of sun protection?

Laura. M said...

Bonito el contraste de colores:))
Un abrazo

Traveling Hawk said...

A good ideea, to provide umbrellas!