Wednesday, June 26, 2013

This Party Calls For A Hat.

This was one of those surprise shots that I thought turned out pretty good.


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Yes, it's not bad at all. Captured the moment!

Duncan In Kuantan
Kuantan nature photos

Tamera said...

I totally agree! I call happy accidents like this one "random art".

Olivier said...

beau moment de folie ;))

Nancy said...

I agree! Love the colorful group of ladies.

AJEYA RAO said...

Very impressive colors.

turquoisemoon said...

Ooh this looks like great fun!!!

Kate said...

You've got some great shots of the Pride Festival.

parker said...

Nice surprise shot! Captured the fun and confidence this girl was feeling during the parade.

Birdman said...

Summer is party time, so anything goes. Good show!

TexWisGirl said...

yup, great composition all the way around!

Sharon said...

A hat with a feather I might add!

Judy said...

Good one! I love those surprise shots.

Anonymous said...

Are you in San Francisco?

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Party time in the sun, sounds good! Thanks for your recent visit & best wishes. Have a great weekend. : )

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Impromptu shots are fabulous Randy, so much colour, love it!

VP said...

If you got this by accident you are very lucky: it is a very nice shot and the colors of the foreground guy match perfectly those of the people on the car!

Michaele said...

The color is wonderful!

vn said...

I *love* the dimensions of the
shot so much.

RedPat said...

Everyone looks so carefree!!

Lowell said...

Hats off to you! Cool shot!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Looks like a great party to me. A lot of celebrating going on today!!!

Judy said...

It's a happy shot :)

Jack said...

Did you invite yourself along to the party?


Those colors are fantastic! You caught a great mood here.

Unknown said...

Randy, this shot is fabulous! The composition couldn't be better! Congratulations!

Traveling Hawk said...

Yes, it's good, it's colorful!

Gunn said...

I love the car, the fun and the colors!
Great event!

Happy weekend!