Monday, June 24, 2013

Party Time

These two young women were dress in their party best for the Pride Festival this weekend. No I didn't wear anything that wild.


Olivier said...

j'aime beaucoup ces grosses chaussures avec ces talons haut

Peter said...

Very cool and funky.

Tamera said...

Love the crazy leggings! Though she does look just a tiny bit like Witchy Poo ;^)

Halcyon said...

Doesn't look too wild from here! Maybe the top was more risque? :)

Unknown said...

Cool composition!

Kathy said...

Love the striped stockings.

Thanks, Randy, for your note while I was absent from blogging.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Ha! Young people are so much fun with their colourful style oui :)

parker said...

Bright! Flamingo Pink jeans and purple stockings with black stripes borrowed from the witch in the Wizard of Oz!

TexWisGirl said...

love the stripes!

turquoisemoon said...

Luv it!!!

Lowell said...

I think that the sense of good color combinations has gone kaput in the last few decades. Have you see what some of the goofy golfers are wearing these days? Ugh!

Sharon said...

That one outfit looks similar to things I've seen going into Gammage to see a production of "Wicked".

Anonymous said...

The boots would be good for rainy days and mud puddles.

RedPat said...

It's fun to get the glad rags out!

cieldequimper said...

Looool, Randy, I'm so disappointed! :-)

VP said...

Quite sober clothing, considered the occasion!

Judy said...

I can see one of my young granddaughters wearing those :)

Michelle said...

I like those stripey legs!

EG CameraGirl said...

Fun leggings!

Ramakant Pradhan said...

Looks very colourful indeed :)

Kate said...

Not exactly hot pink, but both leggings look like a bit too warm for the weather?!

Traveling Hawk said...

Those colors make a great contrast!