Sunday, June 23, 2013

Santa Fe Pride

Yesterday people were out and about for Santa Fe Pride 2013. This guy was running all over the park while the mayor and city officials were speaking about the importance of equality in our city.


Tamera said...

I guess he's not just proud, he's SUPERproud. Ha ha! Get it? ;^}

VP said...

The poor guy can't usually run all over the park?

Lowell said...

Looks colorful! Maybe the guy had a nervous disorder?

turquoisemoon said...

Too Funny!!! Love SF...

Unknown said...

Funny capture!

Anonymous said...

Nice that Santa Fe has its very own superhero to save the day.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

What point was he trying to prove?

Duncan In Kuantan

parker said...

I guess the speeches from the city officials were beginning to bore him.

TexWisGirl said...

he made me laugh! :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Haha! Fun capture Randy, he was obviously not finding the speeches stimulating :)

Nancy said...

At least he provided some entertainment while the speeches dragged on... :)

cieldequimper said...

Well at least he got noticed!

RedPat said...

Our Pride starts this weekend too and runs for a couple of weeks - I have to check when the big parade is. The weather looks perfect there.

Judy said...

I think he was having some fun and getting some exercise in the process. Not to mention a bit of entertainment during the speeches.

jennyfreckles said...

He's obviously having a superhero moment.

Michelle said...

lol I like his spirit! LOVE his shirt :)

Sharon said...

He's got a little "Superman" theme going on.

vn said...

great shot but he would definitely
have got on my nerves.

Traveling Hawk said...

Another type of Superman!