Friday, June 14, 2013

Dog Day Afternoon

The other day while sitting in the plaza I saw this handsome pup walking in my direction.  It was fun to watch him enjoy the park and the people who walked by. 


Olivier said...

un tres beau chien, qui a raison de profiter des beaux jours.

Cloudia said...

And you passed the fun on to me!


ALOHA from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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Halcyon said...

Pet watching is as fun as people watching!

Kate said...

Looks like the weather must be fairly comfortable.

Anonymous said...

He looks bored.

Sharon said...

He's a pretty dog!

Judy said...

Dogs love to go to places like this. Lots of smells and sights.

TexWisGirl said...

a beautiful bernese mountain dog! i'd love to meet one in person!

Anonymous said...

dogs can be more sociable than people!

Lowell said...

Pup? Looks like a mixed breed St. Bernard. All it needs is a little jug hanging from its neck. Cute shot!

VP said...

A bit too hair to carry around for him?


A very handsome pup! Hope he wasn't too hot under his thick coat:) What a sweetie (he looks a like a friend's Bernese Mountain Dog).

RedPat said...

Those dogs are becoming so popular - they are very handsome!

Magia da Inês said...


Muito belo!!!

º°♪ Bom fim de semana!
Beijinhos .♫º
Brasil ✿⊱彡

Judy said...

He's a big one :)

cieldequimper said...

Oh un Saint-Bernard! Gotta be hot with all that fur! Cute!

Michaele said...

People (and dog) watching - a great pastime.

Michelle said...

He is a handsome fella!

Peter said...

nice fido!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Dogs love a walk in the park, super summer image Randy.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

What a beautiful furry feller!!