Thursday, March 7, 2013

On my Way

The La Fonda Hotel is getting a much needed exterior face lift before the tourist season arrives. As I was walking by the other day I heard yelling out to a co-worker on the ground "On my Way." As I looked up there he was.


Cezar and Léia said...

The guy is brave, looks dangerous there!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Dangerous job !

Traveling Hawk said...

Oh, you will have a new face soon. This means SF will be even better:)

Tamera said...

I had Christmas brunch at the La Fonda one year (I think that was the place), and it was delicious!

Tanya Breese said...

oh i would not like that job, at all! my husband did construction for a short time after getting out of the marine corps. he worked on the, what was then, the tallest building in san diego,symphony towers...he said that it swayed in the wind when you were up high.

Halcyon said...

I couldn't do that job!

Kate said...

It must seem strange to see all that scaffolding on the hotel, but glad the old lady is getting a facelift.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You have to have a head for heights to work on scaffolding, that would rule me out'll have to show us the finished restoration.

Nancy said...

Reminds me of my hubs who is an iron-worker. This would be a piece of cake for him. :)

Lowell said...

Is this thing named for Henry or Jane? ;) I couldn't work high up on a building like this. Don't like heights. It will no doubt be a nice addition to Santa Fe, right?

Your comment on Ocala was very funny! An "iPod" indeed!

Ce. said...

he has to be really carefull with that!


Sharon said...

Sometimes I think these construction workers are fearless.

Allison said...

Nice shot! We have construction workers building a house just behind our lot and little yellow-panted men can be seen climbing about like so many worker bees. It's amazing that they can actually BUILD a house!

Judy said...

It looks way scary to me!

TexWisGirl said...

not a job i could do. :)

Anonymous said...

How many guesses do I get as to what style the finished face lift will look like? Extra points if I pick out the color also?

Unknown said...

I wouldn't feel confortable working there. :-)

VP said...

One of my favorite subjects, please remember to us this building after the face lift...


I'm always amazed by workers who can do this job. I bet the finished work will look amazing!

parker said...

Must be a major facelift with all that scaffolding. Nice before pic. When the job is finished an after pic will be needed!

RedPat said...

I'd be working at ground level!

cieldequimper said...

The shot is fabulous. The job... well I don't think I could do it!

EG CameraGirl said...

I admire people who have no fear of heights!

Carola Bartz said...

Wow, what a capture - brave guy! I almost don't recognize the La Fonda.

Birdman said...

They'll be racing towards June for sure. Men at work. Gotta love 'em.

Anonymous said...

Looks a bit precarious...

Jack said...

Well done, Randy. I like the lone worker in this web.