Monday, March 4, 2013

Hairy Situation

Yesterday I was out grocery shopping and as I was cruising through the produce aisle I spot this, a hair piece. I looked around to see if there was someone who looked as if they lost a patch of hair but no luck. All I could think of as I finished my shopping is that person who is probably at home trying to pick it out and wondering "why won't this damn thing come out." Needless to say I didn't buy any nuts.


Joe said...

Whoever lost it must have got quite a shock when they looked in the mirror.

Ineke said...

hahaha, imagine working there.
No you pick it up.
No you!

Allison said...

LOL. Great post. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

His or hairs ?

Lowell said...

You handled what could have been a very hairy situation very well. Yikes!

Tanya Breese said...

oh my gosh, that is hilarious!

Cezar and Léia said...

I could say "spook"! :)

Thérèse said...

ha ha ha!
Did you report it at the cash register?? :-))

parker said...

Funny-Funny! This post cracked me up!

Sharon said...

That is a disturbing sight but, I wouldn't let it stop me from getting those pistachios.

Sharon said...

I forgot to answer your question. No, I didn't make it to the Indian Market this year. I missed out but, my budget is thanking me. I always end up bringing something home when I go.

Adele said...

Oh my goodness... I wouldn't have bought the pistachios either. That thing should be used as a dieting tool. I've completely lost my appetite! Awesome post!! :-)

Judy said...

That is so strange! I think I would notice if my hair fell off but who knows. Too funny!

Unknown said...

Was it windy at the supermarket? LOL! What a find!

Anonymous said...

Stomp on it before it gets away!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, dear, oh, dear!

Ron said...

LOL!! I think the guy would have to be pretty "nuts" himself to loose a hair piece and not know it!

RedPat said...

OMG! That is hilarious! ;-))


LOL, what a sight! (Though I'm glad I already finished my lunch:)

VP said...

Quite weird and funny! Not for the poor guy though...

cieldequimper said...

Oh lol, hilarious. Or maybe not for the person who lost it...

Michaele said...

That is hilarious! I probably would have kicked it to see if it were dead. I wouldn't have know right off what it was.

Peter said...

a new promotion, probably at home enjoying nuts.

Halcyon said...

Oh my! That's hilarious!!!! I don't see how you could not notice that missing. :)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Hair today, gone tomorrow.

Kathy said...

Now that's funny!

EG CameraGirl said...

I probably should not have laughed...but I did!

Judy said...

This reminded me of when I was in High school working at a local discount store, and an employee came to everyone and asked if we had seen her wig, she had lost it the night before in the parking lot, the winds were so strong that it blew it off her head.

Jack said...

I want to say what a funny post this is, but I feel so sorry for whoever lost the hairpiece.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Very funny find ...

Nancy said...

Where's the rubber gloves? That would be quite embarrassing. :)

Kate said...

Odd but a little humorous too.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Haha! 'Hairlareous' Randy! You'd think someone would have felt a cool breeze!!