Monday, March 11, 2013

Just a touch

The city woke up to more snow yesterday but not enough to cause any problems. By early afternoon the sun was out but it was still chilly.

Just a note. I will be on automatic mode from now until Thursday. I am working on another website for my mid-term which is due Thursday and it's giving me fits so I won't be around until Friday. Have a great week my friends!


Tanya Breese said...

good luck with your project :)

Cezar and Léia said...

Beautiful image with snow!Snow days are beautiful with sunlight!

Kate said...

I think you have had more snow this year than last year...right? I was going to wish you a lovely week, but instead have a successful one with your project!

Kathy said...

Good luck on your project. At least it will keep you off those slippery snowy sidewalks!

parker said...

May your studies go well this week!

Adele said...

What a peaceful shot. Best of luck with your project.

Sharon said...

I wondered if you would get some more snow. Good luck with your project.

EG CameraGirl said...

All the best with your project, Randy!

Anonymous said...

Looks slippery. Hang in there.

TexWisGirl said...

good luck, randy!

RedPat said...

Good luck with your work Randy! Snow be gone.


Good luck! I'm enjoying the snow-sun photos for now:)

cieldequimper said...

Best of luck! Snow is forecast here for tomorrow...

Thérèse said...

Good luck and stay safe inside...

vn said...

I love this.
the intense bright blue sky and tree branches makes
me think of Morrissey's Suedehead video.

good luck on your project Randy.

Lowell said...

I like the title. Maybe that's because some folks have insisted that I'm a little touched. Or maybe they said "teched."

Good luck with your project and not to worry about photoblogging!

Marty said...

happy week and good luck Randy

Halcyon said...

Some of our snow is gone now too! Love the shadows in this shot. :)

Michelle said...

Best of luck with your work!

Jack said...

Good luck on your project.

Anonymous said...

You mentioned the other day about studying.. what's your major? Love the colors in the shadows here...