Saturday, March 9, 2013

Old Burro Mural

This mural is one the side of the Lensic Theater and can be seen as your walking along Burro Ally. It's a depiction of how the entrance to Burro Ally was in the old days.


Marty said...

this is really beautiful !
the colors in your city are always warm and beautiful
have a lovely weekend Randy

turquoisemoon said...

Sheesh! I guess I've missed this mural. Need to check it out next time I'm in SF.

Thérèse said...

A nice way to remember what once was.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A very different scene from today Randy.

cieldequimper said...

History alive! That's wonderful!

Anonymous said...


Betty Manousos said...

interesting mural!

have a great weekend, randy.

Lowell said...

Very nice! I like this a lot. I can see why they called it "Burro Alley"!

Have a great weekend, Randy!

P.S. Did you live in Arizona?

Sharon said...

The mural looks like it's been there for quite a while.

Judy said...

What a neat shot!

TexWisGirl said...

really neat!

Anonymous said...

Pity the poor beast of burden. Neat mural though.

Unknown said...

This is lovely! I'm actually fond of Burros. :-)

parker said...

Busy times when the Santa Fe Trail was in operation and Santa Fe was a center of commerce!

VP said...

A little masterpiece!

RedPat said...

There are such soft tones in this pic but hard work shown in the mural!

Ron said...

Try saying that three times really fast!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Glad it is well kept!

Tamera said...

Cute :^) I love burros.


Something totally unique, where else would one see a Burro Alley?:) Wonderful.

Kate said...

LOVE burro alley; my imagination always runs wild when I see it.