Monday, August 6, 2012

Mother Truckin' Monday

Excuse my language, no wait I'm not cursing. It really is Mother Trunkin' but this one is a food truck from Albuquerque. They drove up to Santa Fe for the big Girl's Inc. art show on the plaza. This show brings in 200 local and national arts and crafts folks from all over the country. I was there on Saturday to support the artist and the cause. Tomorrow I will show you what I bought.


Olivier said...

sympa cette camionnette/resto

EG CameraGirl said...

Clever name! :))

Birdman said...

I bet it grabs the eye too. These are ALL over the place this summer up here.

Unknown said...

hahahahaha - such fun! Was their food any good?

parker said...

The vendors have really expanded their menus for the better these last few years.

Luis Gomez said...

Food trucks are great!

AJEYA RAO said...

Awesome waiting to see your purchase

Halcyon said...

Food truck = yummmm!

Lowell said...

We have at least one of these type of mobile food courts at our annual arts and crafts fair, but I've never eaten at one. I wonder if they're regulated as are the usual city restaurants?

I think Santa Fe is just one party after another! Enjoy! :-)

Traveling Hawk said...

Do they sell yummy food? I can't read the menu:)

Thérèse said...

Santa Fe is such a dynamic Place, another Art Show is going on...

Sharon said...

Very clever name!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Ha! What a fun name for a food truck!

Lois said...

Catchy name! I like it.

Anonymous said...

I am impressed with the paint job on the van. Sharp!

Magpie said...

Cute name. Do you ever watch that show on the Food Network where food truck vendors compete? It's pretty intense.

cieldequimper said...

In the meantime, did you get anything to eat there?

Anonymous said...

Mother trucking good!
Have a great new week Randy :)

Judy said...

Someone has a sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha I love it! Fantastic and clever name.

Fábio Martins said...

And there is a mom?

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Belo registo...Espectacular....

Anonymous said...

We have food trucks in Seattle too, they usually have really good food...did you have any?

Michelle said...

I like the name and I want to eat there!

Jack said...

That is attention getting! If the food is also good, they have a winner!

Kate said...

How was the food?

VP said...

Not many food trucks here, I'd like to try this one...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love the name they do a lot of business on weekends like this.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

LOL, good one Randy!

Unknown said...

Cool! :-)

Kate said...

Food trucks have taken the Twin Cities by storm and are truckin' all over town!