Sunday, August 12, 2012

Beauty Trashed.

I don't know about you but I think these still look great. I don't know why someone would just trash them before their time. Wishing you all a beautiful Sunday.


Anonymous said...

well seen and shot!

vn said...

totally agree.
I love the angle and the
contrast of colours and
harsh/soft lines.

Lowell said...

It does seem a shame, but maybe they were just too heavy to carry around? :-)

Unknown said...

Since they aren't inside the bin, maybe they are sharing. They are beautiful. Good catch!

Birdman said...

Let me guess... someone's Bad Romance?

Luis Gomez said...

Nice shot Randy.

Anonymous said...

I would take them home to my wife. "Aw honey, you shouldn't have." Well if you knew where I got them from, you'd be right.

Jack said...

I hope you picked them up and gave them a few more days of pleasing someone.

Unknown said...

Absolutely. They are beautiful!

TexWisGirl said...

they are very pretty.

Sharon said...

I agree, take them home and and enjoy!

VP said...

One can imagine any sort of sad stories...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

At least another couple of days worth here Randy.

Anonymous said...

Oh, such a bittersweet photo. Kind of how I feel about the weekend ending. IT'S NOT OVER YET!

parker said...

At least they were left where passers-by could enjoy them for a moment!

Judy said...

I would have to gather them up and put them in water. Very nice shot!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Delightful shot, Randy. Beauty is everywhere if we open our eyes to it.

Marty said...

yes beautiful flowers ! it's a pity to see that !
have a nice week Randy

Michaele said...

Well, it did make for a great shot
: )

Halcyon said...

Very sad. :(

Michelle said...

A great shot, but I would still have these in a vase!

RedPat said...

I would have taken them home!

Traveling Hawk said...

I agree with you, Randy.

Magpie said...

I missed this post on Sunday...what could I have been doing?? Sipping wine? I wish. You have a good eye for this kind of shot, Randy.

Carola said...

Wonderful composition, great colors!