Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dreaming of Summer.

Yesterday was the first day of school here in Santa Fe. I'll bet this kid was wishing here were back in this spot again. I caught this in the plaza during one of the outdoor concerts.


Olivier said...

bien vu la photo de ce petit garçon.

Kathy said...

This is your coolest shot, Randy! Love it!

Lowell said...

I'll bet you're right! What a cute shot!

VP said...

That day is still a couple of weeks away here!

Kate said...

School starts early in SF. Hope Scott has a terrific year!

Halcyon said...

The summer is winding up. It never seems long enough! :(

parker said...

Seems like the summer flew by. School started here today. New clothes and backpacks were in style at the bus-stop down the street!

Birdman said...

Summer vacation always seemed so short... about 2 weeks or so. Fast!

Sharon said...

I bet you are right. I simply can't believe that school has started again but, those school zone signs are up again so I guess it's so.

Judy said...

I think you might be right. I was out in the yard last week when a mom walked her very young child to the first day of school. I saw he was crying quietly. Kind of broke my heart.

Unknown said...

What a very cool capture!

Thérèse said...

Who knows perhaps is he dreaming about one of his new friends... :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice capture Randy.

Magpie said...

Nicole has been in school a week already. I don't wonder the summer seems is. I wish I could lay in the shade like this again. My back would break. :)

cieldequimper said...

Not until Sept. 4 here... :-)

Judy said...

Awe, this shot is so cute!

RedPat said...

School doesn't start here in Toronto until after Labour Day in September. The unofficial end of summer!

vn said...

beautiful. I love the image
for the wider picture,
for what it represents.
makes you want to go back.

Jack said...

Hah! Well done, Randy.

Anonymous said...

Nicely captured... I'll bet he wishes for a few more days too! You schools start really early, us not until the 30th...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh yes, this looks so much more fun than school..delightful capture Randy.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Nice shot, Randy!