Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy Hour!

It's Friday! People everywhere will be meeting for Happy Hour with friends at the end of the day. As I was on the way home I saw some friends enjoying one anothers company at this restaurant . By the time I turned to get my camera and catch the shot there one just one guy left. Here's wishing you more than an hours happiness today including the weekend. Our biggest art weekend of the year is here. It's Indian Market time here in Santa Fe. I hope to get some shots if it doesn't rain like today.


Lúcia said...

Happy Friday! ;-)

Birdman said...

Drinking alone breeds no happiness!

VP said...

I wish you good weather, while I am still hoping for some rain!

Halcyon said...

I am ready for happy hour!!! :)

Unknown said...

This is a great shot - saloon - hahahahaha!

I can hardly wait to see your shots of the Indian Market!

Anonymous said...

Must have been something he said. Enjoy your weekend Randy.

Kathy said...

Another weekend of festivities for you, Randy! Enjoy.

Lowell said...

You've got another "market" in town? What great fun. Seems like there are a lot of markets hitting Santa Fe.

I think, in lieu of the fact, that there's only one guy sitting in this place, it should be called the "One Gun Saloon."

Ser Vlad said...

Love the way you portray simple life!

I've been missing your photos! ;)

Take a look at my new project on FB man!

Luis Gomez said...

Have a happy one!

Kate said...

I love language and the word "saloon' to me is fantastic.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Wishing you a great weekend too Randy!
Duncan In Kuantan

parker said...

I love Happy Hour with friends! I also like Indian Market in Santa Fe! Wish I was there for both this weekend! Hopefully you can catch a few shots to bring us a sample!

TexWisGirl said...

love the 'saloon' signage. :)

Judy said...

Wishing you a wonderful weekend too.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Hopefully this guys hour was happy!

Sorry I've not been around lately, it seems this summer is very busy & I'm on the go for weeks! No um.. months!


Sharon said...

I have happy hour plans myself. I can hardly wait.

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend Randy :)

Magpie said...

Yes, he does look a little lonely for Happy Hour. Glad you explained. :) I hope you have a wonderful time at the art market and find lots of lovely things to show us.

Unknown said...

In my mind, the word saloon will always be connectd to western movies. :-)

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that frost you when you get the camera up and the scene is gone or changed... but I can well imagine his enjoyment with his friends...

RedPat said...

Looking forward to shots of the market!
Hope his friends come back.

Michaele said...

Alone but not lonely : ) Can't wait for the Indian Market photos. Wish I were there.

Judy said...

Must have been something he said. Have a great weekend.

Marty said...

hope the weather will be fine this weekend for you !
wish you all the best

cieldequimper said...

I'm with VP. Temperatures are soaring here.

And now of course I can't wait for your Indian pics...

Thérèse said...

Happy hours are always welcome!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

He looks like he's thinking 'was it something I said'!! Hope you're having a great weekend Randy and getting all the 'arty' shots you can.

Traveling Hawk said...

May be his watch is late, that's why he stayed longer:)

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

That "Saloon" sign is so American! We don't have them here in Australia, instead we have "pubs"... :-)