Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Year's End

Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. - Hal Borland

Happy New Year from Santa Fe, NM


VP said...

The minimalist picture is a masterpiece, and I love your quote!

Luis Gomez said...

Have a great 2015!

Lowell said...

Love the shot and the quote. I've always felt the "New Year's" folderol was fun but's just our arbitrary way of marking time. Well, maybe not so arbitrary, but still...

Have a nice evening tonight.

Birdman said...

Right back at you!

Rick Forrestal said...

Feliz año, Randy.

TexWisGirl said...

a going on...

may your heart find healing as you go on, dear randy.

Judy said...

I hope your new year brings much happiness.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Happy going on!

Ron said...

Happy New Year Randy!

Anonymous said...

Cool shot. A good 2015 to you Randy.

William Kendall said...

Such a good contrast in this shot.

Happy New Year, Randy!

Sharon said...

Happy New Year Randy!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year to you too.

RedPat said...

Happy New Year, Randy! Here's to great days ahead!!

cieldequimper said...

Beautiful shot and quote for a strange year ending Randy... Have a good New Year's Eve and then see what 2015 brings (other than going to GoN!)

turquoisemoon said...

Happy New Year Randy!!!

Paul said...

Happy New Year! Hope this coming year is even better than the last.