Monday, December 15, 2014

Back to Work.

I came upon this after parking at a friends home and art studio while on the Dixon Studio tour. His son must have been in the midst of a construction project and decided to take a break. It brought back memories of the Tonka trucks that my dad used to by for me.


Rick Forrestal said... first I thought this was a full size earth mover.

Tanya Breese said...

they don't make them like they used to. now they are just junky plastic!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I can't think of one little boy.. or girl who doesn't enjoy playing with a Tonka truck Randy :)

VP said...

It was so nice and funny when we all worked only to play...

Thérèse said...

I have always admired all these huge machines and the projects attached to them! Especially when they park in a row at night.
Yes you are right they remind me too of the children's toys, we still have a couple of them.

Lowell said...

Looks almost real! I used to have Tonka Toys, too. For awhile we lived near Minnetonka, Minnesota, where they are made.

TexWisGirl said...

haha. a mini version of what i posted today. :)

Sharon said...

It looks very real in that surrounding.

Birdman said...

I had so much fun with Tonka toys. Love the memories.

Anonymous said...

Sure hope he didn't stop outdoor play just to go inside and play video games.

Judy said...

At first I thought it was a real one!

William Kendall said...

I had one like that as well. And yes, in the thumbnail version, it did look real!

RedPat said...

A nice textural pic, Randy!

Kate said...

That truck looks pretty new . . . in very good shape!!

cieldequimper said...

:-) Hours of fun...

Paul said...

Ah, boys and their toys...
At least their toys are affordable when boys are that age.