Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mother Mary

Found outside of one of my favorite galleries in Dixon. "R" they must of known I was stopping by.


Rick Forrestal said...

Beautiful still life.
I love this shot.

Thérèse said...

Of course they knew!
Nice place.

VP said...

An interesting mix, or a puzzled message...

Lowell said...

It took me a minute to get the "R" reference! Duh. I'd find this gallery of interest, too.

Birdman said...

Mother Mary and Randy. It has a certain ring to it.

TexWisGirl said...

an interesting mix. :)

Sharon said...

They were ready for your visit.

Judy said...

"Let it be"

Anonymous said...

That would look great in my yard.

William Kendall said...

I certainly do like the combination!

RedPat said...

They were ready for you, Randy!

cieldequimper said...

:-) It's a beautiful mix of styles!

Jack said...

Such a nice mix.

Michelle said...

A nice collection of items.

Siddhartha Joshi said...

Its a wonderful compositon...

Paul said...

Nice picture! An curious group of sculptured rocks... Rock art lasts so much longer than most other art forms.

EG CameraGirl said...

Did you purchase the art with the R on it?

Kate said...

A rather diverse collection of sculptures next to one another.