Monday, December 8, 2014


I found this one morning right outside of my office building. I like those convenient shots, don't you?


Rick Forrestal said...

It's because you have a "good eye",
and natural sense of composition.

Luis Gomez said...

Fall has arrived.

Tanya Breese said...

i like this randy!

Lowell said...

A nice splash of fall color lying right in front of you! Hard to beat that!

Olivier said...

les couleurs du debut et de la fin de l'automne sur la meme photo, tres bien vu

VP said...

I agree, i happens, and this one is very good!

Sharon said...

It's great whey just seem to be waiting for you.

William Kendall said...

Quite a distinctive set of colours!

Judy said...

It's good to notice the little things.

Anonymous said...

Nice still life, until the wind blows it away.

Unknown said...

Lovely autumn shades and composition too.

RedPat said...

You turned a bit of nature into art, Randy!

cieldequimper said...

Who doesn't? Don't get a lot of them though! Pretty late autumn scene!

Lynette said...

Oh, yes! Splendid convenience is a wonderful thing to behold. Great photo, Randy. I feel like I'm standing there with you. Thanks!

Thérèse said...

Like a 3D shot!

Paul said...

How convenient is that... Good thing you had your camera handy!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Designed by nature itself.. well spotted Randy.

Kate said...

Shows that it's good to keep one's eyes open and take a camera along.