Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Waiting For His Driver

I wanted a happy photo to post for my birthday today and someone somewhere heard my wish. Yesterday I was walking past the plaza and I saw this beautiful red truck. As I approached I caught sight of this hadsome fella waiting for his driver. How can you not smile looking at this shot.


Peter said...

He does look happy, I think he also likes the colour of the car.

cieldequimper said...

SMILE! :-)

Massimo said...

Happy birthday Randy !
this is indeed a nice and funny photo ! all the best to you, ciao

Rick Forrestal said...

What a happy photo.
Great dog, great truck.
Have a GREAT birthday.

Jack said...

Happy birthday, Randy! I hope you enjoy being 19 all over again.

Lowell said...

What a cutie! The truck and the dog! The truck is also an oldie that's been well-preserved or nicely redone.

Happy birthday to you!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

That is a happy photo for a happy birthday! Looks like a 55-57 chevy truck, someone put a good paint job and lowered the suspension on it.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

A very smile-inducing shot indeed. Happy birthday Randy!!!

Tanya Breese said...

i LOVE this photo and happy birthday!!!! yay!!!

Kate said...

We should all have friends as patient as this one. Happy Birthday, Randy. I hope that you have a terrific dinner and good wine to celebrate tonight! Have a great day, too!!

TexWisGirl said...


yes, that is a great red truck and sweet passenger, too!

Sharon said...

That is adorable! Happy Birthday Randy! I hope you have a great day. Your photo made me think of this shot that I saw yesterday on Flickr. I think you'll enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Would you like to have that truck as a birthday gift? Have a great day on your birthday Randy.

Judy said...

Cute dog and gorgeous truck!
Happy Birthday!

RedPat said...

Either the truck or the dog would be a good birthday present, Randy! Have a Happy Day!

VP said...

Happy birthday Randy! A very nice picture for the occasion...

parker said...

Now there's a stylish Chevy with a bright red shine. The English Sheepdog is styling pretty good itself!

Traveling Hawk said...

Happy birthday, Randy!

The doggy is cute.

Mersad said...

A really great find Randy. Love it!!

Mersad Donko Photography

Judy said...

Awe, Happy Birthday Randy. Glad your wish came true.


Happy Birthday! I love the bright cheery red and that sweet sweet fellow:)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Happy belated birthday Randy.. how lucky were you to have such a beautiful sunshiny day.

Unknown said...

Well spotted! :-)


Unknown said...

Belated congratulations, Randy!

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful photo, happy belated birthday!