Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Santa Fe Living

I am sure all cities have some version of these types of magazines. If your looking for a home here in Santa Fe, you may want to pick up a copy of Santa Fe Living. Of course they are free and can be found all over town.


Sunnybrook Farm said...

That would be a book worth looking at if you were the photographer taking neat shots of the houses. Even an ordinary view can be interesting with a little thought.

EG CameraGirl said...

I enjoy looking through these sorts of magazines when I visit unfamiliar places.

Nancy said...

Would love to look through this publication if only to dream. :)

Tanya Breese said...

yep, we have one here too and for some odd reason i just received one in the mail last week! i never subscribed to it...

parker said...

Good advice. When I get the chance to visit other cities or towns, I've always found browsing these types of free publications helpful.

Sharon said...

I like to browse these magazines to get an idea of what the houses are like in the area.

TexWisGirl said...

gosh, even the holder is pretty!

Michelle said...

Living in Santa Fe does sound appealing.

Anonymous said...

The magazine may come in handy for the photographer looking for inspiration in his home town.

VP said...

These magazines are always a good idea!

becky said...

Hi Randy! just a little note to say hello & hope you are well. They should have a "Santa Fe Living" reality mag for the rest of us working stiffs, ha ha. Dare to dream, though... maybe I ought to get one & post some images on the wall & make the dream a reality?

RedPat said...

I always like looking through these and dreaming a bit, Randy!

cieldequimper said...

I'd better not... :-)

Jack said...

I always look at mags like this when I visit a new city.

Gunn said...

I am sure I would have picked up one.
Looks nice.... and with a nice lay out /design.
The cover is ALWAYS important.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Would definitely like to have a squizzy Randy, would love to see typical Santa Fe homes.

Kate said...

The magazines may be free but the houses are not real bargains; gorgeous but expensive.

Traveling Hawk said...

I picked up myself one when I was in SF, just for fun, to see the nice adobe houses in the area:)