Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Tweet Shadow

There are quite a few bells on adobe walls but this one is one of my favorites. I like the shadow that the sun created as I walked by.


黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I like that title, nice seen !

Tamera said...

Great shot, Randy! I love the shadow!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

That is neat how the shadow steals the stage from the original object, nice!

Rick Forrestal said...

Great shot.
Dramatic shadow looks so good
on that adobe wall.
Nicely done.

Tanya Breese said...

very cool find!

Nancy said...

We have a bell with a rooster on top == I like the rust on this one.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I enjoyed everything about this image Randy and your title brought a smile to my dial :)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Amazing capture! I love pictures where shadows are captured like this. It's like the sun and the angle conspire to make a beautiful photo.

TexWisGirl said...

love it! big smile! :D

Sharon said...

Great shadow. It looks like a real bird sitting there.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Nice notice of the shadow image.

Kate said...

You do some interesting posts using light and shadow. This one is really fun to see.

VP said...

You caught it very well, shadow and all!

parker said...

Your timing was perfect. What a nice shadow picture!

RedPat said...

I love the bell and the shadow especially, Randy!

cieldequimper said...

It's so pretty! For a second, I thought it was hanging outside your home...

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful capture Randy.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

You were in a perfect spot for the nicely positioned shadow. The colors and texture add to the effect. We'll done!


Paul said...

I can see where this interesting shadow would have caught your eye, makes for a nice photograph!

Sandy said...

Hi Randy. It's my favorite too! Great pic.:)

Unknown said...

You've got a great new header. Thanks for visiting my blog as often as you do.

Peter said...

Tweet - this should be on twitter.

Gunn said...

Nice one:)

Unknown said...

Great composition and great title too! :-)

Mersad said...

Great shadow shot.

Mersad Donko Photography

Judy said...

I really like this shot!

Carola said...

This is so wonderful, perfect shadow shot.