Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lost In The Snow.

As the snow came down on Sunday this little bird came around looking for food in the bird feeder. He was pretty amusing to watch, from the ground to the branch, the fence and then off to another feeder.


Olivier said...

j'aime la neige et les photos

Kathy said...

Looks like you got a pretty good snowfall!

Lowell said...

Pretty shot! Mother Nature makes it hard for her denizens at times. Poor bird!

Hope you have an easy day today!

And thanks much for the recipe for Mexican Hot Chocolate. I may have to give that a try on one of our cold, snowy, days! :-)

Judy said...

I love watching the birds at the feeder. Love the snow on the branches.

Kate said...

That's a pretty small bird, obviously needs more food.

Halcyon said...

Reminds me of lace. :)

Tanya Breese said...

hope he found a meal!

Luis Gomez said...

Lots of snow Randy.

Irredento Urbanita said...

Poor!! It must be frozen, the photo gave me some cold to the skin. Hugs.


Barcelona Daily Photo

parker said...

Winter has definately arrived in Santa Fe. A snowy day for birds and beasts alike!

TexWisGirl said...

some pretty thick snow!

Sharon said...

You are making the cold snow look very inviting.

Anonymous said...

"What happened here? Where's my seed?"

VP said...

We got snow two years in a row, which is fairly uncommon here. Not sure if I would like another spell of white, we are not used to it and it looks much better in pictures!

becky said...

Yay for snow! It was blue skies when I went to work Sunday & I just about had to dig my car out to get home! The city is absolutely gorgeous!
Have a happy week, Randy!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Excelente fotografia....

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Just about spotted the little fella on my small handphone screen!


So sweet, your snowfall is incredible! Looks like Mexican Hot Chocolate weather still:)

RedPat said...

Snow can be so beautiful as this pic shows!

Unknown said...

Beautiful shot, Randy!

Sandy said...

You're so lucky to have had snow and lucky to see this little guy. We had flurries in the 4 Corners but nothing stuck.=(

Leslie D. said...

This is such a beautiful slice of nature..thanks!

cieldequimper said...

Sometimes I wish I was a bird hopping from one branch to the next!

Chrissy Brand said...


EG CameraGirl said...

I love how the snow lines the branches here!

Michelle said...

He must have been chilly.

Peter said...

I couldn't see him for a while, I like how th esnow sticks.

Joe said...

Slip on the gloves, pull up you collar and throw the scarfe around your neck. It looks brrrrrrrrrr chilly. J.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So pretty Randy, it must be so much harder for the birds in winter.

Traveling Hawk said...

A little life among branches...