Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Baby It's Cold Outside

While out on my Christmas Eve hike I could hear a dog whimpering on the other side of the hill. As I came down I saw their owners sledding and having a great time. The Great Dane on the other hand was busy trying to climb on top of her buddy anyway she could to get off the snow. I guess you could not refer to her as a Snow Bunny.


Kate said...

Two very breeds with different needs!

Tamera said...

Awwww, the poor girl was cold! I hope they got her inside soon enough.

Stefan Jansson said...

Ha ha, anything to stay warm.

Lowell said...

Those are two big dogs! Love it. I think the St. Bernard is not feeling the cold as much as the Great Dane.

Luis Gomez said...

Yes, they are probably cold!

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

We'll do anything to keep warm!

TexWisGirl said...

poor baby! the other dog appears built for the snow. g.dane? not so much!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Aww poor thing, there's not much meat or fur on those bones to keep her warm hey Randy. Pet owners can sometimes be really thoughtless oui ! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, amazing to think its all over for another year.

Judy said...

She isn't about to put her bottom down in the cold snow! Ha! Dogs...gotta love em!

Anonymous said...

What a shot!

VP said...

They usually like the snow!

Anonymous said...

That would be me.

Sharon said...

That big white dog seems quite comfortable in the snow but, the other one does look like he's looking for a way to warm up.

cieldequimper said...

Oh lol, they need to move to warm up!

Sandy said...

Aww poor thing! Keep warm. Happy Holidays!=)

RedPat said...

She probably needs a nice warm coat!

Nancy said...

I'm sure they were fine. We tend to worry too much when it comes to the pets... :)

Adele said...

Poor girl - very resourceful!!

Peter said...

Needs some snow shoes, happy holidays too you.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

The more slender dog may need some winter clothing !

Unknown said...

So cool! What a funny capture.

Gunn said...

Made me smile!.)
Hope they will do fine!