Saturday, December 8, 2012

Gas or Pedal

I guess it depends on how far you want to go. As for me I prefer a more green way of travel but not Pink. I caught this the other day while taking my afternoon walk.


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

I would also cycle. Been cycling since I was young!

Lowell said...

Nice juxtaposition of rides! I'd love to have a Harley but I'm too old. Used to have a Honda, though. Now I just ride bicycles. No pink ones, though.

Hope you're weekend is off to a good start!

Nancy said...

I've ridden on both and each has it's pros and cons. Great photo.

Birdman said...


Maria said...

Give me the pedal! Better for you and the environment.
Nice weekend!

Unknown said...

"That is the question"! :-)

VP said...

We both got bikes today!

parker said...

Two wheeled exploring machines. Either will put wind in your face!

Judy said...

I am not a fan of motorcycles so I would opt for the pink one.

Sharon said...

The pink one will certainly make less noise.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, depends on how far. Pink is fine with me. I like pink. I am in touch with my feminine side.

TexWisGirl said...

i like these 'buddies'. :)

Luis Gomez said...


Judy said...

I will take the pedal one any day!

Anonymous said...

Nice mixture of metal!

cieldequimper said...

I'll have both depending on my mood...

Marty said...

I like both ! Pink is beautiful
wish you a great weekend

RedPat said...

Pedal for me!


I'll take the pink/green mode if I can, though it gets a little scary in big cities (and fuhgetaboutit here in car-crazy Jersey or just across the way in insane-cabbie New Yawk!)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I haven't ridden a bike for ages, I really should its such a great way to get around.

Kate said...

Walking is better for your body and your soul!

Adele said...

I'll take the pedal, for sure! Here in Los Angeles, we're getting more bike friendly. Just got a bike-only lane, right in the middle of downtown L.A.!