Thursday, December 20, 2012


Don't you just need a little color in your life sometimes. With the gray skies and the snow I searched my archive for a little touch of Autumn. Now don't get me wrong, I love the snow I just thought some color was in order to help wrap up the week.


Nancy said...

Great idea! One can never have too much color in their lives. :)

Marty said...

yes, beautiful autumn colors !
each season is beautiful !

Lowell said...

Now that is colorful! And fun. Thanks.

Traveling Hawk said...

Yes, these colors are awesome and they made my day!

VP said...

I always need some color and this is a really great red!

EG CameraGirl said...

Thank you, Randy! I must admit the world outdoors does look a bit drab these days. :)

parker said...

An artist's pallate of color!

Luis Gomez said...


Judy said...

I felt like that the other day, it was so brown and dreary. I like snow but I'll never complain about seeing some of the colors of fall.

Tanya Breese said...

nice! it's pretty blah looking around here too!

Olivier said...

l'automne en hiver, cela donne de belles fin d'une saison

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A delightful hit of colour Randy, you forget so quickly the many shades of Autumn.

Sharon said...

Nice choice, beautiful leaves.

Judy said...

Color is good!

Anonymous said...

Nice break-up to all that white.

Kate said...

What a beautiful "bouquet" you presented us today!

cieldequimper said...

Frame it!

RedPat said...

I am sooo pleased to see some colour. It has been very grey and drab here with not much sun for days now!


We're definitely getting rather bare-branched here - welcome shot of color!

Sandy said...

gorgeous! Day before winter!;)

Michelle said...

Thank you for this shot of color. Just what the Dr. ordered on this gray day in KY.

Jack said...

What a kind thing to do, Randy. These leaves are wonderfully colorful.

Lúcia said...

Colours always brighten up our day! ;-)

Kathy said...

This almost could be an abstract painting. The colors are gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Love this mix of shades. Beautiful!