Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Day of Shopping

Nothing like a day of shopping and with a colorful bag no less. That really isn't a shopping bag. This shopper had lunch at Cafe Pasquals. It's fun to watch tourist as they shop around town.

I'll be back tomorrow. My website is done and hopefully the critique will go well tonight. Until tomorrow.


Olivier said...

j'aime bien cette allée tout en bois

Ricardo Miñana said...

Siempre es interesante pasar por tu bello espacio.
Ya ha llegado el mes mas entrañable del año, cargado de alegrías para unos y lleno de nostalgias para otros por los seres mas queridos que ya no están, al mismo tiempo con la tristeza de todas aquellas personas sin hogar, de todo corazón deseo que la paz y la felicidad visiten tu casa y disfrutes de estas fiestas con tus familiares.
un abrazo.

Tanya Breese said...

love the wooden porch with the blue columns!

Luis Gomez said...

I am sure the critique will be great!

Judy said...

That looks like a wonderful place to stroll and shop or maybe just window shop.

Anonymous said...

Nail those finals Randy!

TexWisGirl said...

great shopping boulevard!

Sharon said...

So, she has a little "take-out" does she?

cieldequimper said...

I have a feeling someone is going to like the benches... ;-)

I'd love to shop in Santa Fe even if I have to starve. I think you know that by now...

VP said...

Nice place, and I got a few more benches...

Traveling Hawk said...

A lot of nice shops there, I know!

RedPat said...

I love the person sitting down leaning on their arm looking totally exhausted!

vn said...

I love the line of blue posts.
good luck with your critique.

jennyfreckles said...

Hope the finals went well. Shopping in the sun, I'd like to do that. It's freezing cold here!


Love the pops of color here:) Hope all goes well with the critique!

Anonymous said...

I'd be a tourist shopper...

becky said...

That's funny, I recognized the bag from Pasqual's. I figured she had been to the gallery upstairs. Or she could just have some really good leftovers :)

Unknown said...

I just love this long wooden porch(?), it's so Latin America.

Kate said...

One of my favorite shopping areas.