Monday, October 10, 2011

Wall Street Protest

I was on my way out of town this Saturday when I came across this Wall Street/Bank of America protest. These are only a few of the people there. The bigger crowd was across the street and I will post that one tomorrow. Apparently these were organized all over the country.


Olivier said...

mouvement venant d’Europe (surtout d’Espagne) et j'ai vu a la télévision que cela prenait beaucoup d'ampleur aux USA.

Doug Hickok said...

The sentiment seems to be spreading everywhere! I love your fall photography, and seeing the mountains in snow is thrilling. Just wonderful!

Kate said...

The American Way...I love it that we can so freely protest and march for our concerns here in this country.

Lúcia said...

We can make the difference for a better woirld. ;-)

Birdman said...

Liberal tea-baggers? hahahaha

Sharon said...

It appears to be going on all over the country but, I haven't heard of any protests here yet.

Lynette said...

Yes, there's a rather large one going on in Portland, since last Thursday. I've not gone by to take any photos yet, but I might soon. They say they'll be around for a while; right now they're in the middle of downtown.

Lowell said...

We've had some in our area, also. Good for them!

TexWisGirl said...

and getting more prominent too. sigh... no easy answers to anything...

Cezar and Léia said...

I saw some news about this protest here in the French TV yesterday.
Thanks for sharing!

Luis Gomez said...

I have a post about Occupy DC today as well Randy. I will add a link with your post as well. Excellent!

Regina K said...

They are everywhere. I do agree something needs to be done with the economy, jobs and real estate market. These are in a world of hurt...

Halcyon said...

I think these protests are a good idea. Hope politicians get the message!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Yes I've seen them on other blogs too Randy, wonder if anyone will take notice!! I loved your picture of snow on the mountain, how lucky, we never get cold enough for that to even begin occurring! and as for your bike riders on the path, I'm usually one of those 'startled' walkers when they hear a bike coming haha!

Anonymous said...

It looks cold on the corner. I liked the guy who put the most effort into his sign but failed to plan ahead.

Magpie said...

It's good to see the Democratic process in action.

Sandy said...

Great shot. And loved the mountain too. Have a great week!

RedPat said...

Good way to make there voices heard! I hope the protests remain peaceful.

Thérèse said...

Perhaps a good start for a third party.

Teri said...

If only all the protests would actually change something. I know they are important but I think we have to hit them someplace that they really feel it rather than just at the street corner.

cieldequimper said...

Like Olivier said, lots of these in Europe too, I'm not sure they'll make a big difference though...

VP said...

Very good shot. We do not have Wall Street and are far worse off...

Judy said...

No one told me!! I didn't see any here.

Traveling Hawk said...

It's spreading fast. We do not have it here, in Romania, but I know about it, it was in the news. Some support petition are circulated via mail in Europe, to support the protests.

Michaele said...

I had heard about this, but hadn't seen it. Good capture.

Anonymous said...

This new website honors your photography much more Randy!

Teresa said...

St Francis Dr looks like the place for action! Been there but haven't done that!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

It is spreading like snow !

Tamera said...

Same here in Colorado Springs! :o) This movement is really gaining momentum. I love it!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what these protests will accomplish, but I support their right to have their opinions heard. Certainly something needs to be done to get people back to work...