Here is another one of the artist who was painting in front of the Sugarman gallery during the Paint Out. She captured the New Mexico sky perfectly and she caught my attention with that Turquoise bracelet she was wearing.
On a side note, do you remember when I asked about the Dynamic template that Blogger has now. Check out Cindy's photoblog . When you hover over the blog title it will show you the different views your viewers can choose from.
I saw tons of fake turquoise bracelets in Tuscany and thought of you, Randy. I nearly bought one just like this woman has (a fake, of course) and then thought the better of it. I'd rather wait another ten years, visit the American southwest and invest in the real thing. :)
et le resultat est il bien par rapport au paysage reel ?
I'm really enjoying this series- nice to see the diversity of talent!
a great paint and painter
Nice shot. I must be old-fashioned. I prefer the one picture or subject per day approach.
Wonderful photo and painting. Thank you also for the link!
So fun to watch others paint. I dig that turquoise bracelet! Must check out link.;)
I envy you the ability to walk down the street and see the artists at work! That must be very enjoyable.
I did check out Cindy's blog. I've played with these formats previously, but wasn't convinced they were for me even though I like them a lot.
What a great painting, must be fab to be so talented, and yes I agree her jewellery gorgeous. I can't believe you guys are expecting snow on Thursday, isn't it only Autumn there now? Or are you just kidding me!!
Yes, turquoise jewelry certainly does catch one's eye, esp when a piece is well-done. This looks like one serious artist, too.
I went to the link with the new blog design. Don't know whether or not I like it; will need to think about it and revisit the site. It's a great way to showcase one's photography, but it just seems to be too much to take in. I'll reserve judgment .
Everything in harmony!
This is very nice Randy.
That painting and her turquoise bracelet make me really miss New Mexico!!
It's always cool to see an artist in action! :)
you are so cute with your turquoise fascination. :)
She is a very good artist!
Love her painting and bracelet, but I can't help wondering what the statue in front of her is supporting. You put this little mystery in the edge of your picture...come on...tell me.
I checked the new style out and...just too many choices, none of which I felt I could deal with. Think I'll keep it simple. Thanks for the insight though.
That is going to be a good painting, Randy. I would have liked watching over her shoulder.
Okay that's it...I'm ready to paint! These guys are good. =)
looks like a grat painter.
thanks for sharing this photo.
have a great day!
Turquoise bracelet would have attracted my attention too for sure :) I checked out Cindy's blog. She is very talented person.
A very nice portrait!
Nice shot Randy!
Cool painting!
I think I like the classic the best.
Love the colors, you are lucky to be able to visit these artists at work. I can easily confirm the comment about the fake turquoise bracelets here...
Oh to be in that painting... :-)
Re. the blog: I'm totally confused... It's a strange way to show a daily photo blog...
I envy you, Randy, for having the opportunity to walk on the streets full of art from Santa Fe! Those turquoise jewels are all wonderful. I still have my silver bracelet, with Kokopeli motif, bought in the shop from La Ronda Hotel.
Lovely painting - I am assuming it's from her imagination or memory and not the view she could see in front of her?
How nice to be able to stroll around, stopping to watch an artist at work, then continuing along, visit another. I would be like a kid in a candy store!
This looks very Santa Fe! I like the hat too.
Randy, I understand your fascination with turquoise, but I have found out by living in KC, other areas do not appreciate it's beauty or understand the difference in qualities.
I love the Cape Cod CDP site. Time has kept me from working on a new format. This site encourages me to find some time in the near future.
And what's not to like about the New Mexico sky? Love. Love. LOVE!
How cool is that dynamic blog thingy. Are you going to try it? Also, it is a great paining of the NM sky.
I like the painting. Great shot.
Nice one in the series ...
Swell photo. I think it's seems that the metal man (sculpture) holding something aloft doesn't distract her from a single brushstroke. Super!
Many great artists you have met !
cindy's blog is beautiful !
love your shots too
Neat. and I like that painting she's working on. We have plein air artists here working along the seashore all the time. I like to peek in on what they're doing.
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