Sunday, October 9, 2011

Surprise, it's Snow!

Friday it rained most of the day and night. When we woke up there was a surprise waiting on the mountains, SNOW! Not only had it snow but it was extremely cold most of the day. Where did Fall go? For that matter where are my Winter clothes? It will probably be gone by late Sunday. Good thing I caught those Fall shots before this happened.


Electric Addict said...

dang pretty early for snow lol

Marty said...

wow, already snow ! here we have lost 15°C in Three days ! cold and rain !
have a happy sunday Randy

Anonymous said...

Our mountains (the Cascades and the Olympics) got their first dusting of snow Friday night too... loving fall though, so far it's 3/4 length sleeves and a light weight vest...

PauloSilva said...

Unfortunaly isn't mine, the camera. I wish. Woooow! I love snow and it was a surprise! So nice, so calm, so white! I love it! Have a nice Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Pretty shot!

Ignacio Santana said...

Precioso paisaje, Randy!!!...ya veo que también haces buenas fotos de naturaleza...enhorabuena!!!

Un abrazo!!! ;)

vn said...

you definitely have *some* views Randy!!
kind of speechless
- George

Kathy said...

Beautiful shot! And it was almost 90 degrees here yesterday! said...

i like the color of your mountains,very different from the alps seen here and the touch of snow upper them

Anonymous said...

Fall has gone ?? We sometimes have chilly day. I have to catch Fall shots in a hurry....

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Paisajes inmensos, para gloria de la naturaleza....

Saludos y un abrazo.

Kate said...

But, it is oh, so beautiful!!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, neat! :)

Sharon said...

We've been having the same strange weather. Thursday night at a restaurant they wanted to seat us on the patio and it was too cold. It went from too hot to to cold almost overnight. I hear the heat will be back next week here in the desert.

Lúcia said...

Nature is full of surprises! ;-)

Marcel said...

Fab view! Unfortunately we don't have vieus like this.. :(

Halcyon said...

We have been having gorgeous weather in Toronto. Tonight is our Thanksgiving dinner. Hope the sunny weather continues. Maybe we can even eat on the patio. :)

Judy said...

Wow, snow already. I'm ready but I'm not.

Traveling Hawk said...

Last night it snowed for the first time this year in my country too. In the mountaisn resorts there are 10 cm of snow. But even if it looks nice on the fir-trees, I think it is much too early! Also temperatures dropped with more than 10 degrees.

I like the landscape in your photo, Randy!

VP said...

This is an interesting view, a bit unexpected in October...

Anonymous said...

I must remember to visit Santa Fe before October. Cold and I do not get along.

Lowell said...

Pretty, though - you gotta admit that! Our daughter, who lives north of you in Southwestern Colorado (at 9K feet) reported two feet of snow yesterday - heavy, wet stuff that is already melting! Merry Xmas!

Cezar and Léia said...

Oh gosh! I also like snow but right now I'm not really looking forward to it, would like to enjoy a bit longer the beatiful autumn colours!
God bless you!

Cezar and Léia said...

I'm anxious waiting to see snow here! :)
Adorable picture!

Anonymous said...

Ah, but the snow is so beautiful! I have a friend who drove from Kansas to the Balloon Festival in Albuquerque, and was very disappointed with the weather.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Cool! (Literally, I guess.) I'm not totally surprised, considering the altitude Santa Fe's at.

Karen Xavier said...

Is that the view from your house... to be able to see the snow clad mountains when you wake up, very pretty. I liked the earlier pictures of the yellow foliage of Aspen trees... dreamy and beautiful.

Betty Manousos said...

oh, soo beautiful shot! so caling.

nicely done!

Amanda said...

Wow! Here it's been warm, not too much sign of autumn even!

Judy said...

There was snow in Flagstaff too but today is warmer so there is still a chance for fall to arrive. Isn't it beautiful though?

RedPat said...

It's really hot here in Toronto! Perfect for our Thanksgiving which is this Monday - tomorrow.

Michelle said...

Snow? Noooooooo!!!!

Regina K said...

Beautiful!!! The gold in the right center of photo - are those aspen?

Michaele said...

I had heard New Mexico and Colorado got snow. We are still unseasonably warm here. Thanks for the view of the mountains.

Virginia said...

And we down here in Alabama, have almost no color at all ! Well we can enjoy each other's seasons.

Teresa said...

I must say, even though I detest the snow (coming from the midwest and all), when it is on the mountain tops it is quite pretty ---AS LONG AS IT STAYS THERE!

Reed said...

I was standing in that snow and it was pretty amazing. Nice capture of the mountains Randy. Sorry about your internet being out.

cieldequimper said...

Already? It's a gorgeous view though, I'm almost ready for snow. We went straight from high summer in October to winter...

Magpie said...

Yes, we had snow up north already too. I love the change in weather and the cooler temperatures.

Ron said...

Very nice shot! Great wide open spaces and the colors with the blue sky really make the mountains pop out.

Unknown said...

Great landscape you've posted...
It's already rain here, btw. :))

becky said...

Awesome shot, Randy! I clicked to enlarge, loved seeing the fall color in w/ the snow. It looks from town that all the color is gone now. What a short season! I do know where my winter clothes are, but had to search for my ice scraper before work on Saturday! It seems to warming back up, though!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Blow a bit of that fluffy white down this way, Randy! We have a short autumn as the crisp days become a bit damp.


Carola said...

Wonderful. Snow? Can't believe it (first). So it must be high up there.