Thursday, March 12, 2015

Time for some Travel

Taking this shot the day of our last snowfall has inspired a bit of travel for my birthday.
I am going back home to Arizona for a few days. I won't have a computer where I will be so I won't be visiting your blogs but I will have posts scheduled until I return on Sunday.  
I do hope you will visit while I'm gone.


Olivier said...

jusqu'a l'infini, belle photo graphique

Thérèse said...

Have a great time and enjoy the outdoor at this time of the year over there...

Luis Gomez said...

Have a great trip Randy!

Birdman said...

No computer?
A TRUE vacation then.

TexWisGirl said...

i hope you will enjoy your visit.

Anonymous said...

Great shot. Enjoy you time away. Where's home in AZ?

Sharon said...

Come on over, the weather is great!

Judy said...

It will be good for you to get away for a bit. Have a nice trip.

William Kendall said...

Wonderful use of lines in this shot, Randy.

VP said...

Have a nice vacation and a great trip, expecially without a computer...

RedPat said...

Have fun, Randy!

Kathy said...

Have a great trip. Hope you see some old friends.

cieldequimper said...

Have a great time!

Ron said...

I hope that leads away from the cold!

Jack said...

Have a good trip (and a good rest from blogging).

Quynh Le said...

I love the leading line shot! Good work!

Paul said...

Happy Birthday, safe travels!

Kate said...

I saw on FB that you were having a grand time in Phoenix.