Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sleeping It Off

Unfortunately when you have a liqour store not far from your gallery this might become a common sight. This guy seems to think this spot is his. This is not the first time and probably not the last time he can be found here.


Kate said...

Looks like this person might need a little help?

TexWisGirl said...

a sight in any city, sadly.

Nefertiti said...

Ça fait mal au coeur....

Sharon said...

Ahh...brings back memories. When I was working in San Francisco on a six month assignment, I had a small apartment south of Market. I can't even begin to count the number of people I saw sleeping it off on the streets while I was living there.

turquoisemoon said...

I feel so blessed that I don't have any addictions. Bless him...

Judy said...

That is so sad.

Rick Forrestal said...

It's a problem beyond Santa Fe, I'm afraid.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

He's picked a bit of a prickly spot to sleep it off Randy :)

Anonymous said...

This is great. Nice find.

William Kendall said...

Probably a common thing.

cieldequimper said...


RedPat said...

Sad to see, Randy!

jennyfreckles said...

Oh dear.

VP said...

Not really a good ad...

Paul said...

A rose between thorns...

Unfortunately most people like this don't want help. Sad really.