Sunday, March 8, 2015

Advice from a River

Go with the flow.


Unknown said...

Sometime the better way, no I think always. Don't you think?

Kate said...

Good advice!

TexWisGirl said...

sometimes that's best to go 'easy'. :)

Michelle said...

This looks like my place!

Sharon said...

In most cases, that's good advice.

Birdman said...

... and Don't stop!

Judy said...

It is much easier that way but from time to time I have been known to make waves.

VP said...

If it isn't already frozen...

Unknown said...

The ice seems to be already melting, right?

Anonymous said...

My first thought was how painful it would be to stick your feet in that water.

RedPat said...

Never argue with a river, Randy!

cieldequimper said...

And do it in beauty.

William Kendall said...

And when in doubt, downhill is much easier.

Terrific shot!

Jack said...

Go with the flow. Good advice.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sometimes it's not that easy to do Randy :) Super image to go with your title.