Thursday, November 27, 2014


I am thankful for many things. Most of all I am thankful that I was loved by someone so wonderful. Some people never find that in life and for the time I had I am and always will be forever gratetful. Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving for those who celebrate.


Luis Gomez said...

Thank you Randy, same to you.

Rick Forrestal said...

Nice thought, Randy.
And a beautiful Thanksgiving image.

Birdman said...

I like this image.
Happy Turkey Day!

Tanya Breese said...

happy thanksgiving!!

Olivier said...

une belle lumiere qui tombe sur la plante

Anonymous said...

November gold! How lovely.

Lowell said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Randy! You got it right, I think. Lots of things for which we can be thankful, but the best is being loved and cared for!

Judy said...

I hope you have a good Thanksgiving day!

vn said...

beautiful, randy

Sharon said...

So beautifully said Randy! I hope you have a beautiful day! Happy Thanksgiving!

21 Wits said...

Enjoy your day too!

TexWisGirl said...

bless you, randy. keep your heart full.

VP said...

Have a great Thanksgiving, Randy!

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. Best of days to you.

William Kendall said...

The use of light here is done just right, Randy. Have a good Thanksgiving.

Unknown said...

Hello Randy, I just love your colourful pictures :) I'm your new reader #502 :))
Happy Thanksgiving!


jennyfreckles said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you. You're so right, gratitude is the best way to turn sadness on its head.

Massimo said...

Happy thanksgiving sir !

RedPat said...

I'm glad you are feeling positive about things, Randy! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Paul said...

And a heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving to you too Randy.
Perfect picture for the day by the way.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Wonderful thanksgiving sentiments Randy, to be so happy for a while is one hundred percent better than not at all. Happy celebrations.

Kate said...

I trust that you had a good Thanksgiving with friends. Another wonderful holiday ended for the year.