Friday, November 28, 2014


Recently while walking past the convention center I noticed these Red Chile Ristras that they hung. I am guessing it was for the holidays. I think they add a nice touch of color.


Unknown said...

Looks great with those shadows :)

Have a fine weekend

Rick Forrestal said...

Love those ristras.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Super colour and shadow composition Randy.

VP said...

A really 'hot' color! I didn't know the name, but I love the objects!

Birdman said...

Well, against the brown wall it does add some festive color. I'm thinking that too.

Luis Gomez said...

Love it! Very nice capture.

Lowell said...

Now that's something you don't see in Florida. Well, maybe in Miami. Interesting and quite attractive.

If you get a chance, check out: I tried something different to spice up the post.

TexWisGirl said...

very nice and perfect decor. :)

Sharon said...

You captured some beautiful light and shadows in this colorful shot.

Judy said...

They make a nice decoration!

Anonymous said...

They need some green chilies mixed in to really make it festive for the holidays.

William Kendall said...

I think that's the first time I've heard of a ristra. Quite colourful!

RedPat said...

This is a great shot, Randy!

Michelle said...

I like those with their deep, rich red color. Nice with the shadow.

Kate said...

I need some more ristas to remind me of NM.

Paul said...

Betcha couldn't eat just one...

Great idea to use these for decorations!

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Dejándolas al sol para que se sequen. Estupendas las fotos.
