Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Not So Distant Drums

If your in the market for an African Drum the Folk Art Market is the place to find one. 
You can also get in on the jamming session prior to making your selection.


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Hi Randy, not been on the blog for a while. Good to see you still going!
Duncan In Kuantan

Rick Forrestal said...

Kids love drums.
So do I.

Kate said...

I bought a large drum at Taos Drums for my son who uses it as an end table. If I lived in NM, I would buy several for that same purpose. Somewhat different than these drums,tho.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I bet that drum makes some beautiful music. Have a great weekend Randy.

Kathy said...

I don't need a drum but I do need a little drumming in my life!

cieldequimper said...

That's way cool. I love drums, all drums!

Luis Gomez said...


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love the beat of the drums Randy.

VP said...

I would gladly try, but I am not sure if I am good at it...

Lowell said...

I'm not looking for an African drum at the moment, but thanks for asking. I'll bet there are a few parents who are wishing they had never gone to that market! :)

"Bang the drum slowly, Freddie!!!!"

TexWisGirl said...

'try it - you might buy it!' :)

Anonymous said...

I got no rhythm. Can't participate.

Judy said...

I think that would be fun!

Sharon said...

That would be great fun!

RedPat said...

That must be a loud booth, Randy!

Paul said...

So not only do they sell them you get to test drive them too, sounds like fun!

Birdman said...

Good place to 'make your noise'.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I was shocked to see how many people were buying drums. They definitely have a following.