Saturday, December 28, 2013

Someone Lost A Shoe

I wonder if her name was Cinderella?


weekend et coup de brosse said...

Ton post est tout à fait charmant et j'aime beaucoup!
Merci de tes passages et commentaires sur mes pages!
Have a nice day! - Cath.

Kate said...

Your imagination is running wild, Randy!

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! Love your humour, Randy. ;))

Rick Forrestal said...

That means good luck.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I still have the shoe that was used on my great grandmother's gate, I just liked using it for years on the gate and when the gate was taken down I decided to hang it on the wall. Your photo looks a lot better than my rusty shoe though.

Unknown said...

LOL! Great detail and light too.

TexWisGirl said...

thanks for the big smile! :D

Birdman said...

Certainly NOT a spiked heal!
Good luck for the New Year, I guess.

Judy said...

I love the lighting in this photo.

Luis Gomez said...

Love it!

Judy said...

Nice find, a lucky horseshoe!

Anonymous said...

An odd placement for a horse shoe.

Sharon said...

It's time for new shoes! Who am I kidding, it's always time for new shoes.

VP said...

Poor guy, I hope he can manage without...

Paul said...

Ha ha, funny guy!
Another nice find and photograph to go with.

RedPat said...

Good one, Randy! ;-))

parker said...

Need to turn the ends up on that shoe so the luck doesn't run out!

Michelle said...

A luck find, Randy!

Jack said...

I think her name was Old Paint.

PerthDailyPhoto said...


Laura. M said...

They say that a horseshoe brings luck:))

Unknown said...

Good Shot