Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Snowy Abstract

I walked by this grate three times before stopping for this shot.


Rick Forrestal said...

I do that all the time.
(This picture needed to be taken,
by you!)

Stefan Jansson said...

Winter abstracts can be fun.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Interesting. I have started using my macro setting on subjects like this and exploring a whole different world in the 'up close'. I just wish I had a little more daylight!

Kate said...

Looks like it could be slippery!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh wow when I squint my eyes it looks like a baby!!

Tanya Breese said...

cool kind of reminds me of a light bright board!

Judy said...

Very interesting shot.

Sharon said...

Oh, you could get all kinds of patterns and forms here.

Anonymous said...

I thought you had found a beehive.

Judy said...

Looks like a little person in a hat waving at me.

EG CameraGirl said...

It does make n interesting abstract!

VP said...

I really do like this kind of pictures: bravo!


I was trying to figure out what it was before reading the text - terrific abstract!

RedPat said...

Very cool, Randy!

cieldequimper said...

It looks like a map!

TexWisGirl said...

snow strainer. :)

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Sometimes I do that too !

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Very cool.

Jack said...

The Shroud of Turin is nothing compared to this.

Halcyon said...

Very cool! Almost looks like it was done on purpose. :)

Unknown said...

Cool shot! Well spotted.