Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Little Dusting

This morning the city woke up to a little dusting of snow. I shot this in my backyard. 


Olivier said...

une expo sous la neige, ca rend bien

Sunnybrook Farm said...

A neat back yard, I'm glad you didn't show the snow on patio furniture like everyone else.

Judy said...

I love what's in your backyard.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

The snow on that longhorn skull is kinda cool

Kate said...

"A dusting of snow" seems to be the order of the day in many places! So far we have escaped a really big blizzard, but we have had enough snow already. Up early to watch the South African memorial and was surprised to see more "dusting of snow" here, too. Enough Already!!

Laura. M said...

Only here in the mountains ... if many night frost:((

Tanya Breese said...

we didn't get anything but ice yesterday...we were supposed to get about a half inch today, so far just rain...back to school, blah! i like that colorful bird!

Sharon said...

I love how the snow lays on the stones of the wall.

TexWisGirl said...

love your yardbird and your chamber pot! :)

parker said...

A colorful collection of doodads and curiosities you have assembled. Neat stuff!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have an interesting collection in your backyard. You should showcase it sometime.

VP said...

I like the strangely assorted composition...

Mersad said...

So pretty. Nothing beats fresh snow.

Mersad Donko Photography

Halcyon said...

Cute! I like the contrast of the colors and snow.

Unknown said...

A lovely place for children to play, nice photo Randy

cieldequimper said...

You ought to show us your backyard more often!

RedPat said...

And we get to see the art in your garden, Randy!

turquoisemoon said...

Love your yard art!!!

Judy said...

Nice, we had a dusting here too a couple days ago.


We finally got a big snowfall today (our dusting was Sunday) - looks so pretty!

Jack said...

Yes, this qualifies as a LITTLE dusting.

Peter said...

LOve that stone wall! and the decorations, the snow makes them look special.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Faaaaantastic Randy!

Unknown said...

Very cool backyard!

Gunn said...

Looks like you have an artistic and nice back garden.