Sunday, December 8, 2013

Holiday Time On The Plaza

The temperatures at night have been really low. Friday night I went to a few gallery openings and I stop by the plaza for a quick shot. Made it back to my car before my ears fell off. Buuurrrrrrr.


cieldequimper said...

Well thank you for risking your ears :-) because it's such a lovely sight!

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

It's that time of year again and it's come around so quickly!

Duncan In Kuantan

Tamera said...

Santa Fe at Christmastime is magical!

Rick Forrestal said...

The plaza looks so festive.
(It's freezing cold here, too.)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I hear sleet outside falling as I type this. I think I might stay inside bundled up all day!!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

There wasn't a big crowd of people hanging out so it must have been cold. We are getting a little freezing rain today.

Kate said...

Come to Minnesota and I'll show you what REAL cold weather is! Our decorations cannot compare with yours, tho.

TexWisGirl said...

looks festive but i'll take your word for the brrrr factor.

Anonymous said...

Looks like by the lack of people you weren't the only one thinking too brrrr....

Sharon said...

I'm headed to the Tempe Arts Festival this morning and you should see the layers of clothes I've put on.

Judy said...

It's been crazy cold here too. I'm glad you got this nice picture of the decorations at night though!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You took a super shot in that quick dash outside Randy :) keep warm!

VP said...

So many beautiful lights!

Judy said...

Beautiful!!! I love Christmas lights.

RedPat said...

It seems that it has been colder down there than here, Randy! We still have no snow.

parker said...

Although it is cold; the plaza has a festive warm glow to it!

vn said...

makes me think of edward scissorhands

Michelle said...

How beautiful to walk around there with the lights at night.

EG CameraGirl said...

I love this - it looks so festive!

turquoisemoon said...

Just magical!!! Wish I was there!

Thérèse said...

An inviting place.


It suddenly got cold here too, love the holiday feel here!

Paul said...

Christmas lights sure do make a place magical, nice picture!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Randy, the lights are beautiful and I regret that I have never been there during the holiday season.

Stay warm!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds cold but looks beautiful!