Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Take a load off.

I found this beautiful bench in front of the Pinkoyote. The Pinkoyote is a womens clothing store near downtown. Good place to sit if your not in the mood for shopping.


AJEYA RAO said...

i was in santa fe once in 2005 and i loved the houses...they all look so much in tune with one another. beautiful pics.

Kate said...

A lovely Santa Fe scene.

EG CameraGirl said...

Looks like it might be a great place to sit and watch the shoppers too.

parker said...

A wonderful place for People-Watching, along with a conversation with the local townfolks!

Traveling Hawk said...

I'm tired, I'll sit a little bit!

Sharon said...

That is a very inviting spot!

TexWisGirl said...

fun shop name, but i'd be sitting on that bench, for sure!

VP said...

I am impressed by your fine benches...

Anonymous said...

Yes, the best shops will have a bench out front for the men folk to sit while the little lady goes about her shopping inside. Although in this case the bench doesn't look to be very comfortable. "Don't be too long dear."

Judy said...

Oh good. The husbands bench!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Randy, that does look like an inviting quaint little corner to hang out & rest for awhile..

cieldequimper said...

'Scuse me, do you think I can do both? I mean shop and then sit? :-)

RedPat said...

I could easily sit there for awhile! Lovely.

Unknown said...

Lovely spot!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely shot, Randy, I like the composition.

Mo said...

How can you not be in the mood for shopping at a women's clothing store. Isn't that an oxymoron?

Kathy said...

Looks like a nice place to take a lod off your feet.

Regina K said...

Love that bench and am curious about those red and blue tops hanging in the background!

Halcyon said...

A very pretty bench!

Jack said...

I always think of these as husband's benches.

Lowell said...

Love the name of this place. The bench is important. I would not shop in anything named "pink" or "coyote." Pink sounds too feminine and coyote sounds too scary! So, I'll sit on the bench and watch the girls go by.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Pffft! who wouldn't be in the mood for shopping Randy haha! Very pretty little bench there, I just knew VP would love it.

Magpie said...

I agree that this looks like the perfect place to "take a load off".
Congratulations on the A on your project!