Friday, June 8, 2012

Cowgirl Up

I love these signs made from recycled license plates. I found this one in Woohoo Santa Fe's window. Happy Friday everyone and I hope you enjoy your weekend.

BTW, is anyone else having a problem with the html code on Blogger and centering your photos? I just noticed my last post and when I check the code the first line is missing. I had to manually enter it for this post.


Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend Randy!

Tiago Braga said...

i agree with u, the things made with the old thing, and the recicling thing are just amazing =)

VP said...

Absolutely funny and creative...
I didn't notice this problem with Blogger, but I will keep an eye on it!

Luis Gomez said...

Fun plate! No problems here. Have a great weekend.

Lowell said...

I've never seen this done before. Very interesting. In Florida you could put together some pretty weird signs 'cause we have some pretty weird license plates!

Blogger always gives me fits. Sometimes the code does not come through properly - nothing re size at all, so I'll cancel and try to insert the photo again and that usually works.

Ever since Google took over, it's getting worse. And I really hate the new format. I've gone back to the old system and will use it until they take it down which will be in a few months, I've heard.

parker said...

I like Wyoming's contribution, The Bronc Rider!

Judy said...

I've not seen these before, those are cool. Have a great weekend yourself.

Kate said...

Quite imaginative.

Kate said...

There's always something different to see when individuals use their imagination.

Regina K said...

Oh I so want this sign!

Ron said...

That's pretty interesting. I've never seen that before. Nice find!

Everything seems to be working fine on our blog, they just seem to change something around about once a month though on how you do things.

Sharon said...

That license plate it great!!

Tanya Breese said...

oh well not the centering problem but i have problems with blogger sizing my photos. i have it set to large but they are puny...i have to change the html code, been doing that for a few months now then for some strange reason that stopped working, and i had to change more code. wonder what the problem is with blogger?

anyways, love that cute plate!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Cool plate !

TexWisGirl said...

i don't mess w/ the html at all. just use their 'new post' box as is.

that is a VERY cool sign! i like that idea a lot!

Judy said...

Our granddaughter would love that.

This morning all the blogs I follow were gone. It said I wasn't following any. I had to log out and log back on to get them to come back.

Allison said...

Original! Those things could sell for a hundred bucks here in Europe. I hope the seller knows that!

Anonymous said...

Like most everyone else, this is a first for me too. Quite creative. I would like to say I haven't had any problem with blogger but I know as soon as I do sh*t will happen so I'll not...

Magpie said...

My niece who lives in Austin would love this! Happy Friday!!

Sandy said...

I haven't noticed it yet...maybe I will when I update on sunday. Hope it works out. Nice image. Have a fab weekend. =)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

There are a few other things in that window that look interesting also Randy! You have a great weekend too.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

What a fun idea! Haven't noticed that problem on Blogger though it seems to be doing odd things with the spacing between paragraphs.

RedPat said...

How imaginative! Love it.

cieldequimper said...

Randy, you are terrible. I've been ogling these on the web for ages now and what do you do?
;-) Happy Friday!

Marty said...

really creative
have a happy weekend

Jack said...

This is quite a plate. It took a lot of work. I'll bet they sell all they can make.

Traveling Hawk said...

Funny plate!

Halcyon said...

Really cool idea! I am sure they will sell alot.

Nancy said...

That's a cool idea! Not having any issues with photo centering right now, but there's always problems with Blogger. :)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That's cool!