Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Love of Both.

I love the this SUV. It appears that the owner seems to love the U.S and Australia. I would love to travel oversees one day so that I can experience the love too.


Olivier said...

si je ne me trompe pas, le deuxieme drapeau c'est celui de la Nouvelle-Zelande.

Unknown said...

Great but it's an australian flag !!

Anonymous said...

Classic cruiser!

Unknown said...

I think he loves Australia! :-)

Halcyon said...

I think this person loves the US and Australia. :)

Kate said...

A jaunty little vehicle...great for Santa Fe, esp in the muddy spring. Never been to Europe? Go for it, Randy and don't skip Paris!!

Ron said...

Nice looking ride. I like the way you took the photo of it.

parker said...

And I'm sure that Dream will come true in Time!

Birdman said...

... and a little off-roading, I bet.

Tiago Braga said...

hahaha realy, the love both!

Marty said...

I would love to cross the USA with such a toyota !

TexWisGirl said...

pretty cool. :) and perfect vehicle.

Sharon said...

So much to see, so little time.

VP said...

This of yours is not a bad idea...

Judy said...

That looks like a serious SUV!

Anonymous said...

Going Down Under and travel the Outback was always a dream of mine too Randy.

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful image I love the detail of the flags!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I think you'd enjoy exploring Australia Randy and you'd need one of these in the outback!

Magpie said...

This kind of love makes the world a smaller more intimate space.

Lúcia said...

When you dream come true I'm sure it will be an amazing adventure. ;-)

vn said...

real cute.

cieldequimper said...

When you start your world tour, be sure to include France and let me know! :-)

RedPat said...

Looks like an old ride - probably no cup-holders in this one!

Lowell said...

A perfect vehicle for the Santa Fe area. I dunno about the flags, but the owner must feel some affection for the countries involved. Either that or he/she is some kind of rascal who's trying to fool us! :-)

Regina K said...

I have a friend in Albuq who had a 1960 Toyota Land Cruiser, use to love riding in that vehicle.

Jack said...

Randy, it is very easy to understand loving both American and Australia.

Traveling Hawk said...

He must have a motif.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Yay! Good to see our flag there besides yours, Randy!

Thérèse said...

Down under would be nice to visit for me too...