Thursday, May 31, 2012

Where Indeed.

I was once told by a photography teacher "you have to keep your eyes open or you just might miss something." I almost missed this interesting question.


Kathy said...

You were being very observant to spot this one.

VP said...

A quite atrange place to write such a question...

Kate said...

Yup, constant vigilance is a prerequisite!

Anonymous said...

Great shot, isn't it interesting the stuff people do? Now I have that song rolling around in my mind!

Halcyon said...

Certainly an odd place for it. BUt glad your eyes were open!

Luis Gomez said...

Sweet! Love this capture.

Judy said...

Good job spotting that! I wonder what possessed someone to put those words there.

Anonymous said...

That is so true. The mind gets tuned in to the "big picture" and it takes a real effort to refocus and look for the small things. I'm always telling myself 'think small' when I go out on a photo shoot. I usually forget.

Magpie said...

Very unexpected!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Perhaps all locked away for good !

TexWisGirl said...

i am laughing!

Lúcia said...

That's a good question... ;-)

Anonymous said...


RedPat said...

Great find Randy!

Teresa said...

The nooks and cranny's of Santa Fe are filled with self-expression!

cieldequimper said...

Good grief. I might not sleep now.

Michelle said...

Wow! Cool capture!

Jack said...

Where is the love? Have him call me. I will tell him.

Adele said...

Maybe it's locked up inside? I hope that whomever is looking will find it!

Unknown said...

What a very cool find! Great detail.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Randy, that is just my kind of shot. So glad that you noticed this very small detail. Indeed, where IS the love?


becky said...

Yes- we gotta keep our eyes peeled! Awesome find! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend filled with love, Randy!