Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sculpture and Blossoms

I took this one a few weeks back. This sculpture which I don't have a name for sits outside of a gallery that's not far from my house.


Olivier said...

Une belle photo de cette sculpture avec en fond les couleurs du printemps

Nat said...

Great setting.... nothing beats cherry blossoms!

Lowell said...

That's quite attractive. Is he wrapped in some kind of cloak. Love the blossoms in the background. A really fine composition, Randy!

Halcyon said...

I think he needs a pair of glasses! His eyes look a little squinty. ;)

EG CameraGirl said...

It looks rather dramatic. I like those colourful blossoms in the background too.

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice Randy!

vn said...

love how it looks like he's battling an oncoming blanket of snow

Kate said...

The blossoms are a perfect background for the sculpture.

Sharon said...

Beautiful piece of art and a beautiful piece of nature.

TexWisGirl said...

it is beautiful!

Judy said...

You couldn't ask for a better background for a portrait!

Anonymous said...

Interesting statue.

Cezar and Léia said...

This picture is awesome, the blossom is gorgeous and the sculpture very interesting, a brilliant idea for this composition!

VP said...

Nice contrast between the lovely background and the pose of the sculpture.

Traveling Hawk said...

I like the bloomng tree behind the statue.

Judy said...

I see spring is there. Nice capture!

Magpie said...

There's so much power in his face...I love it against the blossoms.

Unknown said...

What a great background!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Nice angle on this one Randy, there are definitely no blue skies in Perth today!

RedPat said...

What a great background for this piece!

Michaele said...

Love those apple blossoms in the background. I miss the Apple Blossom Festival they would have in Farmington. Can't wait to see a photo from Cinco de Mayo

Teresa said...

Awesome...Those blossoms bring the picture to life.

Anonymous said...


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

it would be interesting to know what the sculpture represents. a fine photo nonetheless.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Randy, the sculpture, the sky and the blossoms are spectacular!


Anonymous said...

Pretty cool. The tree is beautiful. The sculpture looks kind of mean!

Regina K said...

So much feeling in this sculpture and blossoms always make everything better.

parker said...

The blossoms make such a nice background for the eagle or hawk dancer. Maybe celebrating their hunting and flying prowess!

Ron said...

Nice shots! I like the way they were composed.