Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baked Goods

These can be found at the Farmer's Market every Saturday. Take your pick. Oh and they have some savory ones too like Cheese and Green Chile.


Olivier said...

pour moi ca sera Abricot ;) humm cela semble bon

Cezar and Léia said...

Delicious post today, I think I would like to try apple, always my favorite!

Betty Manousos said...

mmmmm...drooling over them!
delicious photo!!

Marty said...

oh là là ! that must be so good !
I'm really hungry now !!
wish you a nice day Randy

Tanya Breese said...

hey pass me one of those apricot peach ones please!

Lowell said...

And not a calorie in sight! Yikes. I try to stay as far away from these kinds of temptations as I can! They look soooo good!

parker said...

Gosh those look good. And every flavor displayed is my favorite!

Nancy said...

Lordy -- these look amazing!

Luis Gomez said...

Really cool and delicious looking Randy!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Randy hello, yum yum, oh man those look good! Hope your week is going ok..

Kate said...

Their chocolate croissants are divine!

Sharon said...

You made me think that I haven't had the green chili cheese bread from the local farmer's market in ages. I'll have to get over there on Saturday and get a loaf.

TexWisGirl said...

and here i thought you went into that bakery after all...

Kathy said...

Oh, yum. Apricot, please.

Anonymous said...

Is it okay to take one of each?

Magpie said...

Apple Elderberry sounds very interesting. Do you have a favorite?

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Randy :)

Judy said...

Just when I thought my diet was safe from temptation!

VP said...

I always like more salty pieces than sweet ones...

Anonymous said...

Oh the temptation!

RedPat said...

I'll take a cheese & green chile please!

Halcyon said...

I think I'd like the savory selection better. I've never been too keen on sweet snacks.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

All of these and chocolate croissants, too? I'll take a savory one for my main course and an apricot for dessert... covers all the main food groups for me!


Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

They look mighty tasty!

Regina K said...

Oh I would have to take home a few of these.

Anonymous said...


Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Mmmm, these look delicious!

Thérèse said...

Apricot! Mmmm...

Anonymous said...

Nice shot! I want apricot peach.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Cheese and chilli would be pretty good right now Randy.